Friday, June 26, 2020

In Previous post, I have explained how to install Ganache Blockchain on Windows system. Next step for you is to understand the Ganache Blockchain user interface once you complete the installation. This post will help you to understand that.

Let's try to understand different options that you see on Ganache Blockchain.

Let's first understand the below header that you see below menu bar.

Current Block: 
As you are aware, Blockchain is chain of block so whenever you perform any transaction, it gets added to block so this field show the current block number in that blockchain. It's value will be always zero when you perform fresh installation and when you restart your ganache blockchain.

E.g. If you see value 145 here that means total 145 blocks are there in Blockchain and latest block number is 145.

Gas Price and Gas Limit

These two parameters are related to Ethereum gas. For now, you remember that when ever you perform any action in Ethereum blockchain then need to pay some amount (money) and that amount is measured in Gas. we will discuss about these two parameters in details in upcoming posts.


There is concept of fork in Blockchain and there are two types of Fork, one is soft fork and other is hard fork. At very high level, when we perform fork that means you break the blockchain and create a new chain from existing chain so you may have two versions running of same blockchain at given time.

Network Id

This is network Id of this Ganache Blockchain network. The default value for this is 5777.

Every network in Ethereum has unique network Id so you can't have two networks with same network Id.

RPC Server

The default value of this field is http://localhost:7545. This helps clients to connect to Ganache network. Suppose, you install this ganache blockchain on one machine and you need to access that ganache blockchain from another machine that is in network then you will use this URL to connect to blockchain.

7545 is the default port but this can be changed by clicking on setting option.

Mining Status

In Production ethereum blockchain network, mining is done by miner but for ganache blockchain mining is always set to automatic as this is your local blockchain that means all your transactions gets automatically mined in ganache blockchain.


This button helps you to switch from current environment to another environment.


Under setting, you find different options but the main thing that you can do here is to change your RPC server details and network Id as shown below.

 Now let's understand the Menu bar options.


In production ethereum network, you need to first create the account before you access that network but ganache blockchain provide some free account with the installation. You get 10 default accounts and each account has 100 ETH balance. 

Every account is indexed from 0 to 9 and every account has public and private keys. You will use these accounts when you will perform some transactions in ganache blockchain.


This shows the blockchain blocks, as you already learnt in above section that block gets created when you perform some transactions so you can that blocks in this window.


In this section, you see all the transactions performed. Initially it is blank but you started to see some data as you perform some transactions.

Here you see list of all smart contracts deployed on ganache blockchain. Smart contract is new concept that we have in Ethereum blockchain where you write piece of code and deploy as application on blockchain.


Events are defined in your smart contracts and get fired when certain conditions are met.


In this section, you see all the logs. Whatever action is perform, log of that action can be seen in this section.


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