Sunday, May 24, 2015

Question:  By how many ways we can do OSB development ?

Answer: We can do development in OSB by two ways. Either we can use Eclipse which is IDE tool for OSB or we can use SB console for the development.

Question: Will you prefer Eclipse or SB console for OSB development ?.

Answer: It is simple to work with SB console as compared to eclipse, so during initial phase we can opt for SB console and later go for eclipse. When we work at enterprise level, Eclipse is always recommended.

Question: Do we need to create a session when we develop projects in Eclipse ?

Answer: No, we need not to create a session when we develop projects in Eclipse, session will only come into picture when we deploy the project to server from eclipse.

Question: Can multiple users work on SB console at one time?

Answer: Yes, multiple users with different users can work on SB console at same time as session will be created for each users individually.

Question:  Can we test the proxy service from Eclipse ?

Answer: Yes, we can test the proxy service from Eclipse, for that we need right click on the proxy service and then click on Run As and run it on server.

Question: Can we create Xquery transformation in design mode in SB Console ?

Answer: No, we have to write Xquery in source mode. We can create Xquery transformation in Eclipse.

Question: Do we have the option to test the Xquery Transformation ?

Answer: Yes, we can test the Xquery transformation.

Question: Can we use XSLT file in OSB ?

Answer: Yes, OSB support both Xquery and XSLT.


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