Saturday, August 2, 2014

This is Chapter-2.3.2 of Oracle SOA 12c Step by Step Installation Series. Before this post you need to read Chapter-1 and Chapter-2 of this series.

In Chapter-2.3.1 , we saw how to install Oracle XE 11g database. In this post, we see how to run 12c RCU above XE 11g database.

RCU comes with Oracle SOA 12c installer, so you need not to download it separately.  You can find rcu file at below location.


To run the rcu go to oracle_common bin folder.

RCU 12c Installation

This will launch the RCU wizard. Choose "System Load and Product Load" if you DB privilages.

RCU 12c Installation

Provide oracle database details and click on next.

RCU 12c Installation

It check prerequisites.

RCU 12c Installation

Specify schema prefix and choose the components which you need.

RCU 12c Installation

it will check prerequisites.

choose same password for all the schemas.

RCU 12c Installation

Click on next.
RCU 12c Installation

RCU 12c Installation

RCU setup will create required tablespace.

RCU 12c Installation

click on create to create required schemas.

RCU 12c Installation

RCU 12c Installation


  1. Hi Vivek,

    can you please help me out.

    I am trying to run rcu and it is failing with the below error

    The system cannot find the file C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\ORACLE~1\ORACLE~1\jdk\jre\bin


    1. Hi Rahul,

      Check this link for the answer to your query.

  2. Hi rahul,

    In Windows, set the Java Home environment Variable in System Properties --> Advanced System Settings --> Environment variable --> User Variables.
    Create a New variable,

    Variable Name: JAVA_HOME
    Variable Value: ; (Here we given C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_79;)

    When you do following command in cmd,
    $ echo %JAVA_HOME%

    it will display the Java home path.
    Now Run the rcu.bat file.

  3. I got the warning that DB Exp is not certified for OFMW... but after ignoring it went through fine...

  4. Hi Vivek,

    I want to install Oracle SOA,OSB and BPM. can we install at single or we have to install SOA+OSB and SOA+BPM?

    Ravi yadav
