Tuesday, August 12, 2014

This is Chapter-2 of Oracle BAM interview questions and answers series. Check Chapter-1 also of this series.

Question:  By how many ways we can do SOA service monitoring?

Answer: We can use below options available to monitor SOA service.
  • BAM Adapter
  • Sensors

Question: When we need to use BAM adapter?

Answer: BAM adapter is used when we want to do monitoring at composite level or when we need to monitor full message.

Question: When we can use Sensors?

Answer: Sensors are used when we want to do variable and activity level monitoring.

Question:  What is Sensor action?

Answer: Sensor action is linked to sensor. In sensor action we define what action we need to perform on sensor data.

Question: Types of sensor actions?

Answer: There are two types of sensor actions.
  • Sensor action
  • BAM sensor action

Question: Where we use sensor action?

Answer:  By using sensor action we can publish the sensor data to Database, JMS Queue/topic, Custom Java and JMS adapter.

Question: Where and when we use BAM sensor action?

Answer: We used this sensor when we need to directly send the sensor data to BAM data object.

Questions: What is BAM alert?

Answer:  Business Activity Monitoring has alert feature which we can use when we want to perform some action based on some data insertion or data change.

Question: Can we use BAM alert to invoke external web service?

Answer: Yes, we can use BAM alerts to invoke external web service.


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