Thursday, December 19, 2013

This is Chapter-2 of OSB interview questions and answers series.

Question: Can we use more than one route node in message flow?
Answer: No, we can't we use more than one route node in proxy service message flow.

Question: When we call asynchronous service from OSB then how to get response back from that asynchronous service to OSB?
Answer: Design the proxy service which in turn calls business service which in turn calls asynchronous service. In the message flow of this proxy change the message header to below.
You need to specify ReplyTo value so that asynchronous service response came to CallSyncCompositeProxy proxy service.

<soap-env:Header xmlns:ns1="">


Remember ReplyTo address refers to CallSyncCompositeProxy endpoints.

For more details refer my below post

Question:  What is throttling in OSB?
Answer: Throttling means we want to process certain messages in one time, then we need to set some parameters in OSB to do the required task.

For more details refer my below post

Question: to transform from binary to XML or XML to binary format what we will in OSB?
Answer: we use MFL.

Question: can we use MDS in OSB?
Answer: No, Oracle Service Bus does not support MDS.

Question: Can we use DVM’s in Oracle Service Bus?
Answer: No, we can’t use DVM’s in Oracle Service Bus.

Click here to go to Chapter-1                                                       Click here to go to Chapter-3


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