Oracle Service Bus does not
support MDS so we can't use oramds: function in OSB as we can use it in
But we can use some alternative
ways to access MDS from OSB. Below are the two ways to access MDS from OSB.
Suppose all the required
artifacts are there in MDS and we want to use Item.xsd schema in OSB which is
there in MDS under EnterpriseObjectLibrary folder .
Assume you have a SOA process
“HelloWorld” deployed to SOA server, then you can access the above schema like
Please note,
"HelloWorld" can be a process that has nothing to do with your XSD
file collections! In other words, you can use any other SOA process to access
MDS artifacts. All of the XSDs in MDS can be accessed this way.
- Since we used full path which includes server host and port so when we move our code to respective environments then we have to change server host and port respective to server.
- OSB project will be dependent on SOA server because all the artifacts will be accessible only when SOA server is up, when SOA server is down then we will not be able to access the artifacts as SOA process will also be down when SOA server is down through which we access MDS artifacts.
Registering MDS Artifacts with
OSB (Import MDS Jar to OSB)
The MDS artifacts are shared
project resources that must be uploaded for development of any project.
These common resources can be
uploaded into the OSB using two approaches:
· As a zipped file
· As a jar file
The recommended approach is to
register the MDS artifacts as a jar file.
MDS artifacts are subject to
enhancements and these enhancements are usually applied as patches, or as new
versions of the libraries. To update the existing MDS you must upload the updated
artifacts into OSB and manage the enhancements. It is recommends that the
artifacts be imported as a jar file into OSB. When enhancements/patches are to
be applied, a new jar file with changed artifacts must be re-imported into OSB.
Thus, the artifacts that require an update are replaced by the new ones in the
new jar file.
Note: If you change or extend
an Enterprise Business Object or an Enterprise Business Service, you need to
re-import it into OSB. You can either import those artifacts alone or you can
zip the whole library again and import. AIA recommends importing only those
objects that have changed.
Note: It is assumed that a jar
file with MDS artifacts is available. (This jar file is a service bus
configuration file.) The following issue should be addressed by jar file
OSB can only create services
from WSDLs that have either binding or port information in them. AIA recommends
that binding information be added to the ESL (Enterprise Service Library) with
SOAP as the binding.
The MDS artifacts library,
imported into the OSB as a jar file, should have the all WSDL files updated
with details of bindings before it is used for creating OSB services.
References: Guide to
Implementing Application Integration Architecture on Oracle Service Bus
An Oracle White Paper
March 2011
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